DDR Pad from China!

May 28, 2024

I ordered a Dance Dance Revolution pad from China, on a whim. I saw a lot of people discussing the thing online, and very few credible sources actually critiquing in a way that I felt comfortable with. I place a lot of importance on tool selection, so when I come across a video where the person talking doesn’t understand the tools they are using, and cannot seem to grasp what “value engineering” is, I immediately discount their opinion. Probably more than I should; not sure if I should work on that or not. I received this pad from China, and its fine. I made a video review of it!

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That time I had a blog

Apr 6, 2024

Yikes, I broke this blog on github and forgot to continue writing. I’ve mentioned that I write a lot, but I haven’t mentioned that most of it isn’t even useful. I’m trying to stay creative and relevant, and in the process, flipped my github repo for this site to “private” and nuked all the automation that builds it. Oooof.

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Weight Loss and Brains

Aug 21, 2023

I was on the internet the other day, and saw a short video of a man who peddles health for people over 40 talking about weight gain. It immediately struck a chord with me because I’m not sure that people who do not struggle with their weight truly understand the nature of overweight and obese. The man, misguided as I believe he was, started with a common saying “Eat less, move more” and went on to explain how that is simply all there is to weight loss.

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Key West, Books, Texas, Brisket

Jun 30, 2023

In February 2023, Laura and I had a very busy long weekend trip, where we flew into Miami on Wednesday night, and drove to Key West and back before flying back to Baltimore on Monday. On Sunday, we rode the Yankee Freedom to the Dry Tortugas National Park, and it was a revelatory experience. Kindled my love for our national parks and I bought a book about the railroad to Key West, called “Last Railroad to Paraise”

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Uninstalling Applications

Jun 12, 2023

There are a great many reasons why “Multiple plans for attack” is the right way to think in almost all arenas of life, and Powershell and workstation management with MS Intune consistently reward those who are… More able to handle adversity. Yeah, we will describe it like that. In many cases, a tradition .NET call to the .Uninstall() class is the fast, easy way to uninstall things with Powershell. If you’re like me, and live in a “constrained-mode” world, sometimes you can’t use classes like that.

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BeyondTrust Inventory and Cleanup

Jun 12, 2023

I will go on record as saying that there is no finer remote access support tool than BeyondTrust Remote Support (née Bomgar). It does everything that you’re supposed to be able to do in a remote support client, and does it with reasonable security. I have used SmartCards, done remote registry work, copied files, all of it, and BT is amazing. Its expensive, but its “the right tool for the job”.

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Scheduled Task creation

May 24, 2023

Creating scheduled tasks with the MMC snap-in is slow and horrible! Here is a quick powershell script to accomplist the task. Here’s the gist!

REST API and a simple Sys admin

May 7, 2023

There have been a few (ok, many) occasions where API data has scared me away from building something. I finally had to figure it out on Friday, and made a nice little code chunk so I can throw this in anywhere. Here’s the gist!

Shell of an Idea: The Untold History of PowerShell

Apr 30, 2023

Azure and MS Graph Email Import

Apr 24, 2023

Many applications import email from O365 mailboxes using MS Graph. This document aims to assist in that setup process.

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