I have a serious problem
I have an issue. Its difficult for me to accept it, and to reach out and ask, nay… beg for help.
I’m addicted to running events. I ran the Baltimore 10 Miler, then 7 days later I ran the Dreaded Druid Hills 10k. I’ve now registered for some allegedly moonlight 5k in Bel Air on Saturday, June 29, and a 10k in Ellicott City in Sunday, June 30. After that, Laura and I are going to Tampa on vacation where, in a move surprising no one, I’ve registered for a race.
Just a 5k this time, though. Actually, it looks pretty neat, if you check out their site. I wish more races would put the information for their premium online. Baltimore seems to be a hot-spot for “Premiums that kick ass, so we’d better put them on the internets.”
Maybe I’ll chill out after that. Dave is running the Charles Street 12 miler, which, while looking fun and promising a sweet hoodie sweatshirt, is $85 American dollars. I don’t know if I can hang with THAT.
Still have to figure out exactly what half marathon we’re going to be doing. I’m sorta jazzed about the Gasparilla OMFG Clusterbang of races in February, which includes not only a half-marathon, but a much needed break from the cold weather, at that point. That’ll be an interesting weekend… 15k and a 5k on Saturday, then eating all the food possible, then a half-marathon and an 8k on Sunday? Just sadistic enough to be the best thing ever.