Shell of an Idea

I finished reading a book called “Shell of an Idea: The Untold History of PowerShell” by Don Jones. The book covers the early start and near miss of the Powershell scripting language by Microsoft. I really enjoyed it!

A few cool takeaways are that I have a lot of thanks to give for these folks holding fast to their design ideology. One of the constants in the book is how Jeffrey Snover had a stubborn insistance on Powershell having design guidelines to allow it to grow. I’m hesitant to call it clairvoyant. I didn’t start “coding” anything aside from some quick bash, html, or the odd batch file until 2020 when I was forced to learn it. Despite working with Windows my entire professional career, the last handful have really been revelatory, as I’ve applied programming and logical thought towards common problems, armed with the ability to solve every last one of them… With Powershell!